
The end. (English version)

After some deliberation, I have decided to discontinue Vintrospektiv. Originally, I had planned on looking back after one year, which would be the end of December, and then make up my mind about how to proceed – but I am so far from any hope to earn money at all, let alone be able to […]

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Das Ende. (Deutsche Version)

Nach einiger Überlegung habe ich beschlossen, Vintrospektiv nicht mehr weiterzuführen. Ursprünglich hatte ich vor, nach einem Jahr, also Ende Dezember, zurückzublicken und mir zu überlegen, wie ich weitermachen sollte. Ich bin aber so weit von jeder Hoffnung entfernt, überhaupt Geld zu verdienen, geschweige denn genug, um davon leben zu können, dass nicht mehr davon auszugehen […]

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New video: Shorts – Loopz (Atari ST)

My new “shorts” video examines Loopz from 1990 by Audiogenic on the Atari ST. As always, it features representative scenes and music from the game, accompanied by short facts. In meinem neuen „Shorts“-Video geht es um Loopz aus dem Jahr 1990 von Audiogenic auf dem Atari ST. Wie immer biete ich repräsentative Ausschnitte und Musik […]

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In October

As the northern hemisphere starts preparing for Winter, we’ll take a look at what happened in October in the history of video games. There were many events to remember, as usual a mixture of happy, sad and interesting. This time, I have so many dates that it makes sense to order them by topic. Let’s […]

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New video: Shorts – Armalyte (C64)

My new “shorts” video examines Armalyte from 1988 by Cyberdyne/Thalamus on the C64. As always, it features representative scenes and music from the game, accompanied by short facts. In meinem neuen „Shorts“-Video geht es um Armalyte aus dem Jahr 1988 von Cyberdyne/Thalamus auf dem C64. Wie immer biete ich repräsentative Ausschnitte und Musik aus dem […]

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New video: Shorts – Midwinter II: Flames of Freedom

My new “shorts” video examines Midwinter II: Flames of Freedom from 1991 by Firebird on the Amiga. As always, it features representative scenes and music from the game, accompanied by short facts. The game can be legally downloaded at Amigaland, in English and German versions. In meinem neuen „Shorts“-Video geht es um Midwinter II: Flames […]

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